Medical &
Scientific Writing

Dr. Wells - Medical Author
Dr. David A. Wells is a highly regarded author and educator, with a body of work that includes a 600-page authoritative reference book on bioanalytical drug sample preparation, 21 publications in scientific journals, 8 book chapters, 12 invited presentations, 29 poster presentations, dozens of technical application notes, instructions for use, and numerous product brochures for sales and marketing of sample preparation products used in pharmaceutical bioanalytical laboratories.
In addition, over the last 15 years, Dr. Wells has written thousands of medical response letters intended for health care professionals. Written responses for physician inquiries about medical devices were entirely based on summarizing the published literature, and these letters commonly numbered 12 to 20 pages in length and required several days to create.

Writing Services
In situations of high workload and not enough resources, your writing projects in medical information or medical communications do not need to fall behind. Wells Medical Research Services can assist you with many writing projects. In addition to traditional medical and scientific writing, editing and proofreading services are also commonly fulfilled.

Examples of Writing Services:
• Custom responses to inquiries from health care professionals
• Articles for trade or science journals
• Writing, editing and/or proofreading manuscripts for publication
• Medical Information letters
• Medical writing projects for Clinical and Medical Communications deliverables
• Posters for presentation at scientific/medical conferences
• FAQ and Knowledge Base Documents
• PowerPoint® presentations of any scope
• Abstracts
• Book chapters
• MedWatch narratives and literature summaries to support drug safety adverse event reporting
Books, Chapters & Contributions

Wells DA. High Throughput Bioanalytical Sample Preparation: Methods and Automation Strategies. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2003. Progress in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis ; vol. 5. ISBN 0-444-51029-X (hardbound), ISBN 978-0-444-51029-7 (online), 628 pages. Second Edition in preparation (2023).
Wells DA. Chapter 21 - Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry. In: Rifai N, ed. Tietz Textbook of Laboratory Medicine. 7th ed. Elsevier;2022:296.
Wells DA. Chapter 3 - Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Applications. In: Rifai N, Horvath AR, Wittwer CT, eds. Principles and Applications of Clinical Mass Spectrometry. Elsevier;2018:67-91.
Wells DA. Chapter 18 - Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Applications. In: Rifai N, Horvath R, and Wittwer C, eds. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics. 6th ed. Elsevier;2017:324.
Wells DA. Chapter 2.28 - LC Automation. In: Pawliszyn J, ed. Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation: Analytical Techniques for Scientists. Volume 2. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic Press; 2012:613-648. Print ISBN: 978-0-12-381373-2; Electronic ISBN: 978-0-12-381374-9; 3,200 pages in 4 Volumes. DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-381373-2.00062-4.
Wells DA. Chapter 17 – Sample Preparation for Drug Discovery Bioanalysis. In: Lee MS, ed. Integrated Strategies for Drug Discovery Using Mass Spectrometry. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience; 2005: 477-510, doi:10.1002/0471721034.ch17. ISBN 0-471-46127-X (hardbound), 568 pages.
Wells DA, Lloyd TL. Chapter 24 – Automation of Sample Preparation for Pharmaceutical and Clinical Analysis. In: Pawliszyn J, ed. Sampling and Sample Preparation for Field and Laboratory. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2002: 837-868. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry: Sampling and Sample Preparation for Field and Laboratory; vol 37. ISBN 0-444-50510-5 (hardbound), 0-444-50511-3 (paperback), 978-0-444-50510-1 (online), 1160 pages.
Wells DA. Bioanalytical Solid-Phase Extraction. In: Wilson ID, Cooke M, Poole CF, eds. Encyclopedia of Separation Science. London: Academic Press; 2000: 2142-2146. ISBN 0-12-226770-2 (Ten Volume Set). Electronic book version updated 2016.
Wells DA. Classical Solid-Phase Extraction. In: Wilson ID, Cooke M, Poole CF, eds. Encyclopedia of Separation Science. London: Academic Press; 2000: 4135-4141. ISBN 0-12-226770-2 (Ten Volume Set). Electronic book version updated 2015.
Scientific Articles

Wells, DA. Throughput considerations for a sample-multiplexed LC-MS/MS assay: Is the ability to double the injection throughput indeed a time saver? Clinical Chemistry 2020;66(9):1125-
Turbeville S, Wells DA, Hornfeldt CS. Providing Medical Information for Orphan Drugs. Drug Information Journal 2012;46(1):88-93.
Pauwels A, Wells DA, Covaci A, Schepens PJC. An Improved Sample Preparation Method for Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Spiked Human Serum Using Solid-Phase Disk Extraction with GC-MS Analysis. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 1999;723(1-2):117-125.
Simpson H, Berthemy A, Buhrman D, Burton R, Newton J, Kealy M, Wells D, Wu D. High Throughput Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Bioanalysis Using 96-Well Disk Solid Phase Extraction Plate for the Sample Preparation.. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1998;12(2):75-82.
Janiszewski J, Schneider RP, Hoffmaster K, Swyden M, Wells D, Fouda H. 3.0.CO;2-5"Target="_blank">Automated Sample Preparation Using Membrane Microtiter Extraction for Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1997;11(9):1033-1037.
Benson LM, Tomlinson AJ, Mayeno AN, Gleich GJ, Wells D, Naylor S. Membrane Preconcentration-Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry (mPC-CE-MS) Analysis of 3-Phenylamino-1,2-Propanediol (PAP) Metabolites. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 1996;19(5):291-294.
Wells DA, Lensmeyer GL, Wiebe DA. Particle-Loaded Membranes as an Alternative to Traditional Packed-Column Sorbents for Drug Extraction: In Depth Comparative Study. Journal of Chromatographic Science 1995;33(7):386-392.
Wells DA, Hawi AA, Digenis GA. Isolation and Identification of the Major Urinary Metabolite of N-Methylpyrrolidinone in the Rat. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1992;20(1):124-126.
Wells DA, Thomas HF, Digenis GA. Mutagenicity and Cytotoxicity of N Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone and 4-(Methylamino) butanoic acid in the Salmonella/Microsome Assay. Journal of Applied Toxicology 1988;8(2):135-139.
Wells DA, Digenis GA. Disposition and Metabolism of Double-Labeled [3H and 14C] N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone in the Rat. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1988;16(2):243-249.
Digenis GA, Wells DA, Ansell JM, Blecher L. Disposition of [14C]Povidone after Oral Administration to the Rat. Food and Chemical Toxicology 1987;25(3):241-243.
Wells DA, Garbolas GA, Digenis GA. Analysis of the Radiochemical Purity of [14C]Chloroform and Dibromo [1,2-14C2]ethane by Radiomonitored High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 1986;356:367-371.
Wells DA, Chaney JE, Digenis GA. Synthesis of [4-3H]-2-Pyrrolidinone, [4-3H]-N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone and N-[14C-Methyl]-2-pyrrolidinone. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 1985;22(4):367-381.
Trade Journal Articles

Turbeville S, Wells DA, Wolfus C. Google Glass — A User's Guide in Healthcare. Pharmaceutical Executive 2014 (August 1, 2014).
Wells DA, Weil DA. Directions in Automated Sample Preparation of Proteins. LC/GC North America 2003;21(6):522-538. Reprinted In: LC/GC Europe 2003;16(11):2-9. Reprinted In: PharmaGenomics 2003;November/December:42-54.
Wells DA, Herron LL. Automation of Sample Preparation for Genomics. LC/GC North America 2002;20(5):416-428. Reprinted In: LC/GC Europe 2002;15(11):712-720.
Wells DA. 96-Well Plate Products for Solid Phase Extraction. LC/GC North America 1999;17(7): 600-610. Reprinted In: LC/GC Europe 1999;12(11):704-715.
Wells DA. Accessory Products for Solid-Phase Extraction Using 96-Well Plates. LC/GC North America 1999;17(9):808-822. Reprinted In: LC/GC Europe 2000;13(3):158-171.
Wells D, Goken G. Chemical Separation Technology Reduces Hazardous Solvent Usage. Pollution Prevention 1992;2(5):42-44.